classic downtempo vibes from the man who puts THE ‘sun’ into sundays.
S.A.SH. party starter Marley Sherman swaps the dance floor vibes for some late ‘90s/early ‘00s downbeat and dub, squeezing the final rays of sunshine from Autumn in style.
Can you tell us a bit about your journey into electronic music and DJing? My first memories of hearing music in general was in the car with my parents or in the background when they’d have friends over. I can’t remember any moment specifically - electronic music has always been a part of the soundtrack.
My parents bought me my first CD Walkman when I was in year three and my first CDs were P.O.D, Linkin Park and Eminem (lol). I discovered Hilltop Hoods through the radio but what I loved the most were the beats, the jazzy samples and funky grooves. Eventually I started trying to make my own beats, with samples from my parents’ record collection. The endless searching for music had begun.
Throughout high school everyone was into Bloody Beetroots, Bag Raiders and all that “electro” stuff. Although it had its moments, I didn’t really like dance music until a friend showed me Daft Punk’s album Discovery, which was super funky and more to my taste. On my first night out after turning 18 there was a big dubstep night at the local pub. We got there early and the opening DJ was playing proper deep house. I had never heard anything so cool (or maybe I had but not understood it until then). I asked my best friend’s brother, “What kind of music is this?” Deep house! I remember Googling it and it wasn’t that easy to find, but Motor City Drum Ensemble came up and I downloaded Raw Cuts 1-6 along with some random mixtapes from people.
Once we started drinking and partying, quite often my friends would ask me to play music with my iPod as I had so much on there. Eventually I got asked to jump on the decks at a party…and here we are.
How did you decide to approach your mix? Was there a concept behind it? I’ve wanted to record a mix like this for a few years now. Downtempo and dub vibes from the late 90’s/early 2000’s, perfectly paired with a spliff and glass of red wine on a lazy Saturday afternoon.
Are there any particularly special tracks or moments in there for you? At 27 minutes ‘Paul’s Pal’ by Paul Hunter rolls in. It’s an epic mash of samples and a very uplifting and inspiring song, but still cool as a cucumber. After that ‘I Put A Chill On You’ by Jordan Fields fades in. This is my current theme song.
How did you come to work for S.A.S.H and what do you love about your job? When I had the option to work Saturdays instead of Mondays, I started going to S.A.S.H most weeks. I knew the team quite well already and everyone who worked there had always been so welcoming to me. There’s always been a strong community vibe at S.A.S.H and this is one the things I love the most about my job! When a position came available to work there I wasn’t sure if I should apply, but I’m very glad I did.
When we eventually resurface from Covid-19 isolation into a post-lockouts Sydney, how would you like to see the scene change for the better? Apart from the obvious - no more sniffer dogs, over policing and no more last drinks - I’d like to see more people heading back out again more regularly.
Name your all time favourite ambient/downbeat/electronica/experimental track or album. Kid Loco – A Grand Love Story.
Marley Sherman